Thursday, April 16, 2009

Geisha gender roles

The world of geisha is a closed one and heavily relied on gender issues. Geisha life is exclusive to the women. Patrons are primarily men. As the world becomes more diverse and Japan gender barriers fall the geisha world remains closed to changes. The attire of geisha is very seductive and feminine. They are a glorified version of the modern woman. A modern woman wears lipstick, high heels, and a skirt or dress. All of these items are very uncomfortable. Geisha wear a thick layer of makeup, high wooden sandals, and very heavy kimono.

Geisha were very common place in Kyoto until the second world war. Though a dying art geisha can still be seen on the back streets of Gion heading to parties and running errands. They are like flowers in a the lovely garden that is Kyoto.


1 comment:

  1. Kinda general. A more specific case study would be more informative. Why did you choose geisha?
