Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Japanese Pop Culture: Totoro Mania

My Neighbor Totoro is one of the many Studio Ghibli films that are loved by crowds in Japan and around the world. My Neighbor Totoro is known by nearly every Japanese person. It is the Japanese Disney films. I am in aw that still every movie is drawn by hand. Movies like Nemo may appeal to the new generation, but I have a penchant for hand drawn cartoons. These pictures were taken outside the 'Dongari' store filled with Ghibli goods. These films are more then just Japanese pop culture; they are a symbol of Japan. Each film has morals, stories, and characters represnting Japan. Totoro is a sort of mascot for Ghibli. When one sees Totoro (the gray creature) one thinks of a cute large fuzzy animal. However, internally and subconsciously one thinks of Japan and the blend of traditions and modern culture that he represents.

My Neighbor Tottro Synopsis

English Studio Ghibli fansite

My Neighbor Totoro Tralier

Image Courtesy of www.totoro.org

1 comment:

  1. I am not so familiar with Tottro or is it Totoro (you spell it two different ways). Perhaps a little more explanation would be helpful.
