Sunday, February 22, 2009

Japanese Life at home: The older generation

I have noticed that Japanese older men are a special category of the Japanese population. the older Japanese men seem to worship religions much more then the current generation. I see the younger generation at shrines and temples, buying charms and sending off prayers. The older generation, especially older men, bow their heads in deep prayer complete with prayer beads in hand. The older generation seems to also love drinking. Now, I've noticed no matter the age most Japanese men and some women love to drink. However, enjoying a beer after dinner at home is typical for a older gentleman and not so much for someone in their 20s or 30s. I believe that older men simply have the time at dinner as young people do not. The husband is at work and the mom is tending to the kids. When the kids grow up and one retires, it seems only nature religion and relaxing would trickle into one's life.

1 comment:

  1. Japan is a drinking culture... And older Japanese men might be more interested in the afterlife than younger people.
